Willy Mason
Released on November 6, 2013

Americana and folk sure are having their time to shine at the moment. With bands such as Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers leading the charge, it seems each day there is a new song featuring a slight country twang. In all honesty, regardless of those out there who call this selling out, I couldn’t be happier about it. At the end of the day, it makes a whole slew of talented artists, artists like Willy Mason, more accessible to the mainstream allowing them to hit a much larger audience and with it, fill larger venues and sell more records to support all they work so hard on. A couple months back, Willy Mason joined us at Precision Sound Studios in Manhattan where we recorded two tracks off his 2012 album, Carry On. Songs that stay very true to what folk music is and why it’s a genre that will continue to shine for a long time to come.