The Eastern Sea

Released on June 19, 2013

The Eastern Sea

The Eastern Sea knows how to impress. They know how to captivate. They know how to enchant, to hook and to connect with their fans. For many bands, doing these things takes a substantial effort, yet for this Austin band, it all happens so naturally that you never really realize it until your feet are tapping and your emotions are running high. Their 2012 full-length, Plague, was one of our favorites of the year for a variety of reasons, but on top of the list is the simple fact that we connected with it on such a personal level that it was impossible to put down. The songs were all gripping, heartfelt and so very obviously an honest point of view. After corresponding for over a year, the band made it to Brooklyn for a Buzzsession at Degraw Sound in Gowanus where they recorded two songs, "The Mountain" and "China Untitled, 1."

China Untitled, 1

The Mountain

Director & Editor
Alex Munro

Camera Operators
Lauren Kraus
Alex Munro
Megan Blackburn

Engineer & Mixer
Ben Rice

Eric Weiner
Alex Munro

