Squirrel Flower
Released on June 24, 2020

One thing to love about Squirrel Flower is that her music forces you to slow down and really listen. In this “home video” Buzzsession, she invites you into her cozy Massachusetts abode for a couple relaxing tracks: her own (perfectly named) song, “Home,” and a cover of Tom Petty’s “Wildflowers.” As she bends the notes of her acoustic guitar and sings in a mellifluous alto, we see the images represented in the songs’ titles: outdoor and indoor flowers, gardening projects growing green; homemade snacks, childhood photos, and knick-knacks. We even accompany the artist on a rainy walk through the neighborhood, through the forest, and into an open field, in a subtle reminder to us that home can be so much more than a building. If you crave more gorgeous, minimalist reflections, be sure to check out Squirrel Flower’s debut album, I Was Born Swimming, on Bandcamp or other streaming platforms.
As you replenish your spirit with Squirrel Flower’s centering homemade tunes, please also consider contributing to her nonprofit of choice, Black Trans Travel Fund. "The Black Trans Travel Fund is a mutual-aid based organization committed to uplifting the narratives and supporting the livelihoods of Black trans women. Launched in June of 2019, BTTF was developed for the purpose of providing Black transgender women with the financial resources needed to be able to self-determine and access safer alternatives to travel, where women feel less likely to experience verbal harassment or physical harm." BTTF is proud to have already redistributed over $60,000 to Black trans women in need!