Lady Lamb

Released on November 29, 2016

Lady Lamb

While the majority of our sessions showcase the design of whichever space we’re filming in, sometimes we like to get outside of our comfort zone and utilize our set design skills, creating an atmosphere that we feel reflect the tone of the music. For our latest Buzzsession with Lady Lamb, we transformed Douglass Recording into a film set for an unparalleled performance of “Spat Out Spit” with visuals to match the song. We’re really proud of this one, the crew who worked so hard to make it so very special and of course to Aly herself for a killer performance.

Spat Out Spit

Director & Editor
Stephen Tonti

Derek Sexton Horani

Camera Operator
Zev Vel

Myles Rodenhouse

Harper James

Production Designer
Marlena Pavich-Bellande

Gina Reis
Stephen Tonti

Executive Producers
Eric Weiner
Jon Lurie
