Kyd the Band
Released on July 1, 2020

Kyd the Band joined us for a Buzzsession from his home in Nashville. Representing perhaps the most literal “Buzz” session we’ve seen to date, in this video we follow the journey of Kyd’s quarantine haircut through buzzing and bleaching. Before picking up the guitar and diving into his performance, he starts off with a refreshingly heartfelt check-in with the viewer—taking a moment to remind us how important it is to stay in touch and check on your people these days. In this rendition of his new single “Heartbreak Anthem,” Kyd shows his chops as a performer, utilizing the freedom of playing without a drum track to draw out the intro of the song and let particular words and phrases hang in the air. Certain themes of the song take on new meaning in a time of isolation. When live music was a common occurrence the line, “I feel slightly less all alone, when everybody chants a heartbreak anthem," would indicate a silver lining in any heartbreak through the catharsis of shared experience. These days, depending on how you’re feeling, it could brutally highlight what we are losing while we wait for those shared experiences to return, or it could bring some comfort as a hopeful reminder of all that we have to gain when we are able to share space and emotions once again.
Kyd the Band continues to treat us with a rendition of “Reborn” by KIDS SEE GHOSTS. The message repeated throughout the song to “keep moving forward” proves especially poignant as we are visually taken through his everyday home activities. The viewer is pushed to recognize the value of cooking up some delicious enchiladas in the oven, taking the time to watch a lightning storm through the window, and appreciating the candlelight when that storm shuts the power down. Many of the activities Kyd the Band has chosen to show have to do with creating. Putting together a vocal booth in the closet, strumming the guitar on the couch, even crushing some pushups on the living room floor all conjure up a vision of growth, and indicate the hope of bringing something fresh into this world.
Please consider donating to Devin’s nonprofit of choice, Together We Rise. Together We Rise is a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the way kids experience foster care in America.