Jukebox The Ghost
Released on February 20, 2018

We could not wait to work with our friends Jukebox The Ghost on a music video that was as animated and buoyant as their new single “Everybody’s Lonely.” Filmed at Bravo Studios in Manhattan, our director Taylor Washington collaborated with the band members to integrate a crescendo of fluorescent colors that mirrors the art of their upcoming album Off To The Races into the video. Washington also wanted to have the band experience a challenging but fun shoot with different props tossed at them, and we can verify that we had a blast.
The seemingly candy-coated set and cheery tune actually juxtapose the deeper pondering of “Everybody’s Lonely,” which entertains that the despairing, disconnected trends in music and media are ultimately fueled by loneliness. The encouraging vocals and bright piano are enough to energize even the most jaded of listeners. When the troop of dancers brilliantly organized by Nicole Von Arx abandons their phones, we see the cast come alive in the positivity and community Jukebox The Ghost inspires with this song.