Jarle Skavhellen
Released on April 30, 2020

Norwegian artist Jarle Skavhellen’s track “Northern Lights” was inspired by a road trip to Iceland, when Skavhellen was trying to make sense of a number of changes, personal and musical, that he was experiencing in his life at that time. The track’s official music video, created in collaboration with The Wild Honey Pie, takes the viewer on a psychedelic but relaxing journey over land, water, and ice. When you spend time in remote places like these, you can’t help but remember your connection to the Earth. As Skavhellen’s face floats over mossy rocks and among blue waterfalls, bursts of color trace and fill everything, and perhaps this color represents the magical forces that connect us, as humans, to these landscapes. Usually, you can’t see the magic. But if you travel far enough north, or listen to just the right music, maybe it will reveal itself as colors in the sky.