Forever Honey

Released on April 14, 2020

Forever Honey

2020 marked a new beginning for the four Brooklyn musicians that make up Forever Honey. After playing together for the last half-dozen years as Queue, the band announced they’d be beginning a new chapter in their musical journey under a new name: Forever Honey. Like this reinvention, themes of rebirth, coming of age and new beginnings are prominently featured on Forever Honey’s two most recent singles, “Christian,” and “Twenty-Five.” However, the unexpected global pandemic has forced artists like them to reinvent themselves in ways most could never have imagined. Gigs, the lifeblood of most bands, are on hold for the foreseeable future, but many groups are adapting by performing remotely as a way to connect with their audiences in a unique and intimate way.

For this very special Buzzsession, Forever Honey invites us into their home for a glimpse at their life under quarantine. From the comfort of their living room, guitarists Olivia Price and Aida Mekonnen sit snugly in front of dimly lit holiday lights and candles, as they perform their first song, "Satellite," a heart-tugging ballad set to gentle strumming and an echoey guitar lead. Their performance weaves in and out of footage of Price and Mekonnen venturing up to the roof of their building for some fresh air and sunlight, a brief reprieve from the confines of their apartment that accentuates the longing in Price’s voice as she sings the refrain “you were my, you were my sun.” 

The second video features a cover of “Metropolis” by Australia’s The Church, a wistful song that pines for love and the city. The duo’s stripped-down take on this classic gives it new meaning during the current global state of affairs, which has separated many from their loved ones and the normal sights and sounds of city life. The pining for life “back in Metropolis” reverberates through Price’s soft voice and the sparse instrumentation, giving their version a hauntingly yearning feel. Their heartfelt performance of this apt cover choice gives us hope that though we’re all facing rough times, we’ll soon return to life and love as we once knew it. 

Forever Honey’s debut EP Pre-Mortem High is out on April 24.


Metropolis (The Church cover)

Producer & Editor
Eric Weiner

Mikey Lavi

Tom Gallo
