20 Fave Rolling Stones Songs
Updated by Sara David and Brian Cherchiglia on December 19, 2020

Since English rock deities The Rolling Stones officially celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2012, we figured there would be no better time than the present to compile a list of 20 of our favorite songs. Working on this list was daunting, as these guys are absolute legends and have been turning out material for the last, well, 50 years. As we sifted through their extensive back catalogs, we tried not to be predictable. The following tracks were carefully handpicked, each one reflecting what we think to be the most raw embodiment of rock and roll, which Keef himself defines as “music for the neck downwards.” And so, without further ado, here are our 20 favorite The Rolling Stones songs! Like the artwork for this playlist? We have Rozalina Burkova to thank for that.
20. "Ruby Tuesday"
19. "Start Me Up"
18. "Paint It, Black"
17. "Under My Thumb"
16. "Beast of Burden"
15. "Dead Flowers"
14. "Rip This Joint"
13. "Factory Girl"
12. "Get Off Of My Cloud"
11. "Brown Sugar"
10. "Monkey Man"
9. "Shine A Light"
8. "Miss You"
7. "Street Fighting Man"
6. "Can't You Hear Me Knocking"
5. "Loving Cup"
4. "Sympathy For The Devil"
3. "Bitch"
2. "Rocks Off"
1. "Gimme Shelter"