Big Thief - Change
Change is a difficult thing to embrace, as likely to rattle existence like a disaster as something divine. At times it’s hard to look at change as anything but a Grim Reaper, sweeping away everything that is known and comfortable and loved. Other times, change and its inevitability seems like a powerful crusader of hope and liberation. Big Thief’s latest single unconditionally embraces all of change’s faces—the beautiful and the grotesque—and attempts to forge a kinder relationship with all of them. The song’s arrangement is sparse and intimate, like a living room jam session full of friends and loved ones. A shaker and acoustic guitar establish the song’s pulse as steady and slow, like a resting heart rate just as you’re falling asleep. Natural imagery weaves with metaphor among the lyrics, delivered with a sense of gentleness and hope that burns bright like a candle. It chases out any sense of fear and the darkness that comes with it. Change, and the liberation it offers, is asked for so deeply and so intensely that it comes out sounding like a prayer. In offering, the void of whatever was held before remains empty. In its place begins the construction of a new home for peace, where you hope that it will someday soon come home to roost. That its warm and feathered body will nestle in your breast and your heart will know lightness once more. For now, that space among your ribs may stand empty and bruised, but nothing can stand against change. Might as well embrace it, and learn to love it too. Photo by Alexa Viscius.
— Allison Hill on October 13, 2021
boywithahalo - Dontsaveme
Lo-fi ukulele strums and distant hums introduce boywithahalo's "Dontsaveme" with such gentleness, you may not notice that he's voicing the anxiety rooted in his mind. The soft tune echoes the sentiment of sitting alone in your room, strumming chords in a futile effort to make time pass faster while sitting idly at the whim of factors out of your control. While it's a feeling 2020 has imparted on us all, there's an added layer for boywithahalo, who sings of staying at home because simply existing as an LGBTQIA+ Asian American during this pandemic is dangerous; "It feels impossible to be safe out there" is a fear I personally know too well. Hauntingly, the lyrics for the track were written in September of 2020, long prior to the massive influx of anti-Asian hate crimes. "It’s scary how all of my fears became true," boywithahalo has said on the track. And while scary, it's sadly not surprising, foretold by subtle changes in the ways I was treated as early as January 2020, "kung flu" jokes made to my face, people eyeing me on the train and moving further away.
But in the final minute, a commanding drum beat and lofty reverbed guitars join his choir-like vocal layers as the track fades out on a more assertive and hopeful note. It'd be careless to say that just because the news cycle is no longer saturated with anti-Asian hate crimes, things have gotten better. With the vulnerability of artists like boywithahalo, though, it's not impossible to believe that they can.
— Ysabella Monton on August 20, 2021Strawberry Launch - Sophie
Each day this week, New York-based psychedelic indie-pop quintet Strawberry Launch offers insight on tracks from their debut self-titled EP. Follow along as different members offer insight to the background and songwriting process of four tracks in their own words. Photo by Will Montgomery.
Over quarantine, I saw that an old flame of mine was in a new relationship a few months after we had been together. So I found myself looking through her Instagram and comparing myself to her, wondering what she was like...and the words just poured onto the paper. When we started to build the song I was unsure about the dissonance in the guitar chords, but it really enhanced the conflicting feelings in this song—of wanting a past lover to be happy but not happy enough to forget you. And since we finished writing this during quarantine, it's such an interesting way to encapsulate that time period. The drop of the guitar into the first chorus is probably my favorite "sound" on the entire EP. — Riiza, Strawberry Launch
— on August 19, 2021
Courtney Barnett - Before You Gotta Go
Courtney Barnett recently delivered her second single, titled “Before You Gotta Go,” off her upcoming record Things Take Time, Take Time. It’s a heartfelt, bouncing track that acts as a reminder that hurt is never the goal out of an argument. Barnett’s charming and steady voice holds a sense of gratitude as she explains to the other person what they really mean: “You’re always on my mind / If something were to happen my dear / I wouldn’t want the last words you hear to be unkind.” The spinning instrumentals provide a smooth momentum as she thoughtfully recaps the end of the fight. The track pulls you into a reflective space of your own just like most of Barnett’s music has the power to do. It takes a slight detour compared to her first single “Rae Street," which is more reminiscent of her 2017 collaboration project with Kurt Vile, Lotta Sea Lice. As always though, Barnett leaves space for everything to breathe and be absorbed. While the track fades out, there's no blame or passive-aggressiveness left, only an effort to have perspective and appreciation for someone else. Things Take Time, Take Time officially comes out via Mom + Pop on November 12, 2021. Photo by Mia Mala McDonald.
— Meredith Vance on August 19, 2021Strawberry Launch - That's on Me
Each day this week, New York-based psychedelic indie-pop quintet Strawberry Launch offers insight on tracks from their debut self-titled EP. Follow along as different members offer insight to the background and songwriting process of four tracks in their own words. Photo by Will Montgomery.
“That’s on Me” is a longtime fan favorite, and it’s always such a surreal feeling to see our own crowd singing the lyrics right back at us. It’s a simple song instrumentally with not many chords, but still one of my favorites to play because of the emotions that fly through the song. Due to its instrumental simplicity, I was really excited to see how we could use the studio and Tiger Darrow’s production to elevate the song. With its swelling effects, stereo sound and vocal stacking, I’m extremely proud of the final product and feel like it is an excellent representation of our newly matured Strawberry Launch sound. — Taylor, Strawberry Launch
— on August 18, 2021
Nolan Garrett - Finish Line
Nolan Garrett’s latest single "Finish Line" breathes life and meaning into the word “warm." The lyrics are earnest and sweet, delivered in a stilted, lilting, half-hesitant voice that slowly finds itself transformed into a steady forward current. Each verse is a confession of, perhaps not love, but certainly tenderness nestled amongst gentle acoustic guitar arpeggiations. Synth flourishes fill the spaces between words, like a feeling you can’t quite name rising up and up until it sits just underneath your tongue. It's a visceral, blushing and intense, yet temporary feeling. That’s what "Finish Line" sounds like: a song so warm you can’t help but feel it in your cheeks. It’s like laying in the grass at the park on a hot night late in August. The air is warm and humid, and it sticks on your skin like glitter. You’re so at peace, you almost might be alone if not for the warm body breathing next to you. You meet their gaze and think about how you might experiment with vulnerability, trading secrets and smiles under clouds and stars. Or maybe you’ll just hold their hand and watch the breeze blow the clouds across the moon without saying a word. You almost wish you could stay here forever, listening to the cicadas chitter and feeling warmed deep into your bones. Soon enough, though, it’ll be time to get up and move on. But not yet. In the meantime, you think to yourself, “I’m excited to see where this goes. I’m excited to see how we grow.”
— Allison Hill on August 18, 2021Strawberry Launch - Crystal Eyes
Each day this week, New York-based psychedelic indie-pop quintet Strawberry Launch offers insight on tracks from their debut self-titled EP. Follow along as different members offer insight to the background and songwriting process of four tracks in their own words. Photo by Will Montgomery.
I wrote this song one Summer as just a random instrumental. I was bored at home most days and wanted to experiment more with recording my own music since that’s basically what I’m in school for. It wasn’t anything serious and there’s really no deep meaning for the song, I was just messing around with a couple chords and layered a bunch of stuff on top of it. It sounded very glittery to me, which is why I came up with the name. We started playing it in Strawberry Launch when trying to write new songs. At first, it was tricky to try to implement it into a full band, but I’m so happy with what it turned into; it’s probably my favorite track on the EP and super fun to play live. — Matrianna, Strawberry Launch
— on August 17, 2021
Basement Revolver - Skin
A wall of distortion and feedback introduces the newest track from Ontario quartet Basement Revolver. “Skin” is a dream-pop, shoegaze-inspired track that could hold its weight next to veterans of the genre like Beach House and Slowdive. With Chrisy Hurn’s dreamy vocals atop of building guitars and massive sounding drums, the song feels like simultaneously floating and sinking into the floor. From their first release, Basement Revolver’s lyrics have presented an emotional and introspective look at the world, and “Skin” is no exception. The track meditates not only on self-image but the way in which others affect the way we feel about ourselves and our bodies. With the burning chorus lyric “I wanna feel at home / In my skin, in my skin,” the song hits on the important connection between our minds and our physical bodies that is still too often overlooked. The music video for the track is a reflective reverie that reinforces the themes of the song and deepens the imagery created. Photo by Steph Montani.
— Sofia Soriano on August 17, 2021
Premiere Abby Huston feat. Benét - Higher
Premiering today is the sweet new single "Higher" by Abby Huston, a hometown signing to Richmond's EggHunt Records, which flaunts Virginia's flourishing local music scene. Akin to the delicate, emotionally resonant crooning of artists like Raveena and Arlo Parks, Huston blends a mellow R&B sensibility with the impassioned intensity of the emo revival music they cite as a major influence. Crafted alongside collaborator Cameron Smith, who also produces under the moniker Not Kevin, "Higher" finds Huston approaching insecurity with gentle nuance. Fellow RVA singer/songwriter Benét joins to say "I just got a feeling that things will change," their rich vocals a nicely rounded foil to Huston's own airy delivery. Together, they make space to raise themselves up in a world that might not always be as forgiving as we need. Sometimes, the most meaningful gift is to honor oneself.
In Huston's words, "'Higher' was such a pleasure to make with Cam and Benét. It was a kinda rainy day...Benét and I stepped out on the porch and wrote through the walls while Cam was laying the beat and we had a really beautiful conversation about how I had been feeling. Sometimes we aren't feeling uplifted in our lives but ultimately it is only our onus to honor our worth and not internalize every little thing people could be thinking about us."
Preorder their sophomore record AH HA here, due out this fall via EggHunt Records. Photo by Ryan Gary.
— Ysabella Monton on August 16, 2021
Big Thief - Little Things
New Big Thief! Everyone rejoice! The Big Thief fandom was well-fed in 2019, getting back-to-back albums from the indie-folk quartet in a matter of months. The self-identified "earth sister" albums garnered critical acclaim, with U.F.O.F. earning a Grammy nomination in 2020. While the band hasn't made music together in some time, their lead vocalist and songwriter Adrienne Lenker released an album titled songs and instrumentals, which also received critical acclaim and was easily my personal favorite record of the year. "Little Things" is one of two singles that dropped this week from Big Thief, the other track being "Sparrow." These tracks operate best when played side by side, embodying what Lenker does so well as a songwriter: world-building. Every song has its specific place within a purpose-driven order of play. The vibrant and glistening musicality of "Little Things" quickly becomes more and more chaotic and disjointed as the song plays on, elevating and squeaking as the lyrics escalate in tension and worry. The speaker feels used, out of place and claustrophobic. But there are still ruminations of deep affection, leaving her obsessed and restless.
These songs are a fascinating introduction to whatever new project Big Thief has in the works, and I personally can't wait for them to blow our minds again. Listen to "Little Things" wherever you stream! Photo by Josh Goleman.
— Hannah Lupas on August 13, 2021
Naina V - Play Pause
Naina V's debut single "Play Pause" is a much-needed break from both the universe outside and the universes we all carry inside. The Singapore-based singer/songwriter chose to present her music to the world with a light song about going slower and getting "lost in white noise." It's particularly symbolic of a moment where life goes faster than it's ever gone, but we've just been forced to stop and contemplate the finitude of everything and everyone. While the guitar track on "Play Pause" will make your soul soar towards a simpler, dreamlike life, the bridge will ground you back to the present, reminding you of the moments in life that allow a deep breath. This song is a strong debut for a powerful voice that is just getting started. Photo by Harsha/Honest Media.
— Giulia Santana on August 13, 2021